“Resignation of Reputable Priest in Response to Church Employee’s Criminal Actions: Unearthing a Conspiracy of Concealment within the Catholic Diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania.”

Published on June 3, 2024, 12:55 am

“Resignation of Reputable Priest in Response to Church Employee’s Criminal Actions: Unearthing a Conspiracy of Concealment within the Catholic Diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania.”

Image source: Fox News

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In a significant development with tangible repercussions for the Christian community, Fr. John Moineau, a reputable priest from the Catholic Diocese of Greensburg in Pennsylvania, has been forced to resign. This drastic action was taken following the arrest of an employee from a church cemetery on charges relating to sexually assault on a minor. Further souring this disturbing tale of vulnerability unheeded is what appears to be a clandestine operation meant to obscure the suspect’s criminal past.

Bishop Larry Kulick, understandably outraged and disappointed by these unfortunate revelations, reached out to Fr. Moineau requesting his resignation. A collaborative investigation is now underway between the diocese and Westmoreland County Detective Bureau searching for answers about an alleged “conspiracy to conceal the criminal background” of Shon Harrity.

Harrity held a position as a maintenance worker at Irwin’s Immaculate Conception Cemetery and has been slapped with eight felonies including sexual assault of an underage individual not associated with the church. His troubling past is characterized by charges for indecent exposure, open lewdness, and drug-related offenses. Yet Harrity was able to maintain employment across various parishes over an unsettlingly long span of more than ten years.

The diocese diligently strives towards enforcing child safety measures through appointing safe environment coordinators at each parish who implement protective policies for children. All staff members are expected to undergo mandatory child abuse training alongside three separate criminal background checks.

However, despite available information that should have raised red flags about Harrity’s suitability for employment, certain documents were overlooked causing subsequent issues. Fr Moineau’s implicit trust was displaced as he certified the completion and accuracy of all required clearance documents in his parishes without catching critical omissions related to Harrity’s background check records.

Confronted with these oversights, returning trust and fortifying safety within its congregations has become paramount for the diocese which announced sweeping changes. These include a week-long mandatory review of all employee and volunteer files by priests and administrators alike, a thorough audit of all clearances throughout the diocese’s 78 parishes and 12 Catholic schools scheduled for this summer, along with compulsory safe environment training for all staff members.

Despite Fr Moineau honored standing in community, the importance of accountability takes precedence as told by Irwin resident Linda Hixson, who firmly calls for responsibility even as she laments the loss “he had to retire and leave but if he knew something and didn’t report it then I’m sorry that was wrong on his part. Stand up for your church and keep your church safe.”

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Original article posted by Fox News

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