“Surge in Anti-Christian Hate Crimes Shakes Europe: A Call for Respect and Protection of Religious Freedom”

Published on November 28, 2023, 2:08 am

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Breaking news from the trusted news sphere indicates a worrying trend as anti-Christian hate crimes in Europe have spiked significantly. A report released last week by The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe details this disturbing development, revealing a dramatic 44% increase in social hostility, violent attacks against Christians, and vandalism acts targeting churches that occurred throughout the year 2022.

The shocking figures presented indicate approximately 748 documented hate-crimes directed against Christians last year. This included, among other offenses, 38 violent physical attacks leading to a tragic loss of three lives. Arson attacks targeting churches also emerged more frequently than before, with France and Germany witnessing the most incidences. In fact, arson attacks swelled remarkably from 60 episodes reported in 2021 to 106 documented instances from last year alone.

The perpetrators behind such heinous acts have largely been identified as groups with far-left ideologies; Satanist, Islamic factions; feminist circles; or affiliations linked to LGBT+ causes. Irish Freedom Party founder Hermann Kelly comments: “This surge in anti-Christian hate crimes is appalling for what should be a primarily Christian continent.”

Kelly further attributes aggressive secularism and prevalent anti-Christian sentiment among dominant Islamic factions as catalysts for this concerning rise in hate crimes against people with Christian worldviews while advocating for healthy respect and protection of religious liberty across Europe.

One can’t ignore the rising tide of legislation aiming at curbing religious freedom and rendering legit Christian practices criminalized. For instance, Ireland is promoting an ‘extreme’ hate speech bill under The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Act that seeks to criminalize private materials that may induce ‘hate.’

Another alarming trend is the abortion-related “buffer zone”. More spaces are emerging outside abortion facilities wherein prayer, protests or pro-life counselling are legally hampered – yet another infringement on religious liberties in countries like Ireland, Spain, Germany, and the UK.

On a wider context, Christian principles on controversial issues like homosexuality and abortion have also been heavily weaponized in a disturbing erosion of religious freedom. Case in point – two respected Catholic bishops from Spain faced prosecution for preaching church teachings on marriage and sexuality.

These are worrying times reflecting increased intolerance against Christian beliefs, particularly those that uphold human body sanctity, sexual ethics, or Christ’s exclusivity – concepts increasingly viewed as offensive by secular societies.

The Observatory report concludes with an earnest plea to preserve the fundamental rights of thought, conscience, and religion. More robust cultural support is solicited so constriction on Christians living their faith out loud is mitigated in societies fast becoming more secularized.

In Hermann Kelly’s words: “A return to Christian faith will give culturally and demographically dwindling Europe a shot at existence.” As real news unfolds across platforms, it becomes imperative we heed these undercurrents shaping our shared realities while advocating for balanced perspectives shaped by diversity yet grounded in mutual respect and understanding.

Original article posted by Fox News

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