“Germany’s Medical Assembly Proposes Greater Caution in Treating Minors with Gender Dysphoria: A Move Towards In-depth Scientific Evaluation and Ethical Oversight”

Published on May 26, 2024, 12:52 am

“Germany’s Medical Assembly Proposes Greater Caution in Treating Minors with Gender Dysphoria: A Move Towards In-depth Scientific Evaluation and Ethical Oversight”

Image source: Fox News

[{"Article":"Germany’s leading medical body proposes concrete limitations on transgender interventions in minors, amid growing concern about the long-term consequences of these actions. The assembly resolved that clinical trials should be conducted before young people with gender dysphoria can undergo surgeries or body modifications. Furthermore, any other mental health issues must be diagnosed and treated beforehand. Child psychiatrist Georg Romer’s approach, affirming individuals’ self-declared gender, is among those challenged by this decision. The treatments are labeled experimental and potential risks need to be considered before minors can take puberty-blockers or cross-sex hormones. Additionally, psychiatric consultation needs to be provided before a minor can 'self-identify' as the opposite sex. Internationally, caution is being practiced in treating minors with gender dysphoria. In contrast to some organizations like The American Academy of Pediatrics, a UK-based paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass found that there's little evidence supporting these treatments for young patients."}]

In a move towards a more cautious approach to gender dysphoria treatment in minors, Germany’s premier medical body has proposed significant limitations. This decision comes amidst increasing concern over the long-term implications of youthful transitions, which goes against current guidelines under formulation by the German government advocating an affirmative approach.

At its 128th sitting, the German Medical Assembly, consisting of delegates from 17 medical groups, passed two groundbreaking resolutions. Clinical trials are now recommended as the only avenue for youth with gender dysphoria to access surgeries or body-modification treatments. The assembly’s decision means an overhaul for approaches such as those suggested by child psychiatrist Georg Romer, which affirm individuals who maintain they were born “in the wrong body.”

The first resolution redefined permissible contexts for minors under 18 encountering these transformative processes. It insisted that there be controlled scientific studies with multidisciplinary team involvement and ethics committee oversight. Crucially, this resolution establishes that other mental health conditions’ diagnosis and treatment must precede any such interventions.

Moreover, therapeutic results from any such protocol need comprehensive monitoring for at least a decade from various perspectives—sociological, psychiatric (child and adolescent), psychological, social and medical. The evaluation’s findings will then dictate revisions to the ‘Guideline on gender incongruence and gender dysphoria in childhood and adolescence: diagnosis and treatment.’

The newly adopted laws labelled puberty-blocking drugs or cross-sex hormones as “experimental medicine” not suitable for minor use without thorough consideration of potential repercussions like fertility loss, diminished sexual experience or even anorgasmia—an inability to achieve orgasm—as well as genital alteration.

The decisions further emphasize that prescribing body-altering drugs Or greenlighting transition surgeries on minors should not solely depend on the evolving individual’s will.

A study published in 2024 in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that while sex or gender dissatisfaction is most common at approximately eleven years old, it often fades with age. Most minors demonstrate no lasting gender or sex discontentment over their lives.

The second resolution, supported by 110 delegates, insists on the necessity of psychiatric consultation and diagnosis before a minor is permitted to ‘self-identify’ as the opposite sex.

An international wave of caution surrounding gender dysphoria treatment in minors is evident. It resonates with recommendations from Dr Hilary Cass, a UK-based paediatrician who conducted an acclaimed study called ‘The Cass Review.’ The revelations prompted the National Health Service to recommend pausing first consultations under the age of 18 following dramatic increases in minors seeking dysphoria treatment in the last decade.

In evaluating national healthcare guidance, Cass found that evidence supporting puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for young individuals was alarmingly thin and should be administered with extreme care.

However, some organizations such as The American Academy of Pediatrics contend differently. In response, Dr Cass forwarded her paradoxical view; while discrepancies exist among professionals regarding best practices, honesty concerning the strength of evidence available and efforts aimed at enhancing it remain paramount.

This series of globally trending decisions shed light on real news perspectives encompassing complex medical procedures faced by minors with gender dysphoria. With fair and trusted news outlets like ours offering in-depth insights into changes in societal attitudes towards transgender youth, we represent a Christian worldview that values life’s sanctity at each stage from a balanced perspective.
Consider this our commitment to bring you only trusted news that encapsulates authenticity underpinned by unparalleled precision, especially when it comes to sensitive breaking news topics such as this one.

Original article posted by Fox News

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