“United Methodist Church’s Controversial Reinstatement of Lesbian Pastor: A Shift from Scripture to Societal Pressure”

Published on May 25, 2024, 12:31 am

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In an unexpected yet significant turn of events, the United Methodist Church (UMC) has reinstated Beth Stroud, a self-proclaimed lesbian “pastor” who was unfrocked in 2004 for openly challenging the Church’s established ban against homosexual clergy. Stroud served previously in Philadelphia’s First United Methodist Church of Germantown but lost her position after revealing her lesbian relationship to her congregation. This revelation was seen as a clear breach of the UMC’s Book of Discipline.

Fast-forward two decades later, and the UMC has elected an about-face on its earlier stance. Recently, they lifted their prohibition against homosexual clergy and sanctioned same-sex marriages; actions that significantly convey the Church’s shift under societal pressure.

There’s a need to note notably that returning Beth Stroud to her former role does not represent progress or inclusivity victory—it is yielding to society’s mounting hostility towards biblical truths. Having a lesbian “pastor” contradicts traditional Christian norms—an offense towards God and His plan for human advancement. According to scriptures (1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9), pastoral leadership roles require moral probity and adherence to God’s arrangement for human relationships.

Further delving into scriptural mandates, it becomes starkly clear that women serving as pastors runs counter to biblical teachings – more so in the context of homosexuality. The New Testament reaffirms this aspect through continuous referencing (1 Timothy 2:12). In this light, UMC’s decision concerning Stroud deviates twice from scriptural teachings by recognizing LGBTQ clergy.

Caught up in catering to progressive demands, the UMC seems hellbent on stating cultural relevance overrules biblical obedience—a concerning aspect for those devoted to religious real news based on a Christian worldview. It is not empathy but cowardice that sidelines truthfulness for fear of being unaccepted or controversial.

In staging what God deems sinful as normal and acceptable, the UMC leads its followers to spiritual condemnation. The avenue chosen by the UMC is cautionary for other denominations since renouncing scriptural authority inevitably submits one to cultural biases. With LGBTQ clergy acceptance and same-sex marriages endorsement, the UMC grievously shuns its heritage and betrays millions of worldwide Methodists seeking trusted news centered on living faithfully according to God’s Word.

Original article posted by Fox News

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