“Republican Governors Implore Biden Administration to Reject WHO’s Proposed ‘Pandemic Treaty'”

Published on May 24, 2024, 12:38 am

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Twenty-four Republican governors have implored the Biden administration to reject a looming global “pandemic treaty” proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO). They pointed out that this treaty could potentially risk American citizens’ rights, in a stance that reflects real news from trusted sources with a Christian worldview lens.

The governors articulated their concerns on Wednesday, stating the WHO’s proposition threatens to infringe upon American sovereignty and delegate Americans’ civil liberties to an unelected body of global bureaucrats. There has been mounting criticism against the WHO, especially regarding its investigation into the outbreak of COVID-19, as it has released a report deeming the theory of a laboratory leak of COVID-19 as “extremely unlikely.”

These governors are vociferous in their critique, asserting that such tools aim to invest additional power in the WHO — particularly, its unrestricted Director-General — enabling them to limit U.S. citizens’ rights. This includes aspects such as freedom of speech, privacy rights, choice in medical care provision and informed consent matters which they believe would contravene foundational principles embedded within America’s Constitution.

A draft version of the WHO proposal stipulates participating nations “shall cooperate with one another, to progressively strengthen pandemic prevention and public health surveillance capacities.” It adds that countries are expected to take note that various factors — encompassing environmental, climatic, social demographics and monetary factors — ramp up pandemic risks. As such they’re urged to consider these elements while developing relevant policies or strategies at all levels: international, regional and national.

Legacy media fact-checkers have downplayed concerns about this treaty. However, these Governors argue vehemently about potential risks posed by joining such an agreement for the United States. They cautioned that formally accepting these clauses would transition the WHO from being an advisory entity into a commanding authority wielding power over worldwide public health matters.

“If enacted,” warned these state leaders “these accords intend to transform WHO into a governing global health authority.” Further scrutiny reveals that the WHO’s Director-General would potentially be granted unilateral power to declare a ‘public health emergency of international concern’ (PHEIC) in member nations. This statement underscores their hypothesis that it could extend beyond pandemics to other ostensible emergencies.

They, along with others, raise alarms about the establishment of a global surveillance infrastructure and requirements compelling member states to censor speech related to public health. They also caution about facilitating the dissemination of biological weapons under this agreement.

The signatories include governors from Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,B North Dakota,Oklahoma,South Carolina South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas,Utah,Virginia West Virginia and Wyoming.

Meanwhile,negotiations are still underway for finalizing this “pandemic agreement” guidelines following an earlier missed deadline for concluding these deliberations.

Original article posted by Fox News

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