“House Blocks Reauthorization of FISA Section 702 Amid Privacy Concerns and Resistance from Trump”

Published on April 11, 2024, 12:30 am

[{"TLDR": "A bill aimed at reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was obstructed in the House, predominantly by Republicans. The proposed legislation sought to extend the authorization of a spying tool heavily used overseas for five years while including revisions. Former President Donald Trump had influenced the decision by urging for rejection of any progress on the spying program. In response to this outcome, Congress could potentially extend the authorization without incorporating revisions - decisions for which must be made before April 19, when Section 702 lapses. Feedback from lawmakers opposing the bill reveals they want a warrant requirement included for government officials who need to access information related to U.S. citizens that inadvertently gets caught up in foreign monitoring procedures."}]}

On Wednesday, an attempted bill looking to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was obstructed from progressing in the House, led dominantly by the GOP. The process intended to extend the authorization for five years while implementing revisions on the contentious spy tool.

This blockage marks a significant hindrance for House Speaker Mike Johnson from Louisiana who had advocated intensely for this bill. This event came after he received directives from former President Donald Trump to reject progression concerning the spy program, predominantly used for monitoring activities of non-U.S. citizens overseas.

The final vote count tipped against as nineteen Republicans allied with all voting Democrats refusing to facilitate further movement on this issue. The vote concluded with a tally of 193-228. Notably, ten members, consisting of six Republicans and four Democrats, refrained from participating in voting.

The future course of action from leadership remains uncertain at present but could involve another extension without incorporating any reforms. Technically speaking, they have until April 19 before Section 702 ends upon sunset.

Several lawmakers countering the bill required an addition of a warrant criterion for government officials willing to access data related to U.S. citizens -an intentional tactic for law enforcement purposes – that invariably gets entangled in foreign person monitoring procedures.

Congressional Progressive Caucus Chairwoman Rep. Pramila Jayapal along with Rep Andy Biggs voiced their support towards requiring warrants ensuring American protection against unwarranted intrusions into privacy rights by government agencies via FISA surveillance mechanisms

In his latest commentary posted on Truth Social earlier the same day, former President Trump revisited his opposition towards FISA stating its unlawful usage against him and others during his campaigning days leading up to his first tenure as president.

Previous criticisms from Trump towards FISA stemmed primarily since it was discovered that his 2016 campaign aide Carter Page was allegedly scrutinized by FBI based on information obtained through dubious dossier under a separate FISA section, Section 701.

House Speaker Mike Johnson shared his anticipation about discussing the FISA issue with Trump conceding that the misuse of these powers wasn’t fabricated or unfounded.

Among some of the reforms proposed in this reauthorization legislation of FISA 702 are measures designed to halt similar future exploitations as those committed during Trump’s 2016 campaign. According to Johnson, these measures included severe new criminal and civil penalties for those unlawfully using opposition research or leaking FISA applications for spying.

In an assertive statement, Johnson emphasized on pronouncing stringent punishment for offenders, mentioning potential sentence enhancements up to ten years imprisonment if FBI agents or attorneys involve themselves in such errant activities. He justified these proposed reforms as real teeth to combat such abuses.

Original article posted by Fox News

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