“Former Alaska Policeman cum Florida Pastor Accused of Sexually Assaulting Minor Faces Trial in Texas”

Published on April 7, 2024, 12:31 am

“Former Alaska Policeman cum Florida Pastor Accused of Sexually Assaulting Minor Faces Trial in Texas”

Image source: Fox News

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A Florida pastor, formerly a police officer in Alaska, has been apprehended in Texas on charges of sexually assaulting an underage girl in his congregation. In accordance with trusted news sources, Monte Lavelle Chitty was seized around 5 p.m. in Woodville, Texas. He had approached a local church group engaged in assistance programs for the homeless population when one of its members alerted the authorities.

The Monroe County Florida Sheriff’s Office publicized this development, commending the valiant efforts of both the Woodville Police Department and U.S. Marshals Service which were instrumental in his capture. The real news unraveling here is serious indeed – Chitty who once headed First Baptist of Marathon church faces grave accusations inclusive of sexual battery, lewd and lascivious molestation as well as contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Presently detained, he awaits trial under a substantial bond set at $1.3 million.

The case against Chitty unfolded swiftly since its onset propelled by an anonymous tip-off to local law enforcement earlier this year. The informer claimed to have inadvertently eavesdropped on a girl confessing to being sexually violated by him within the Church premises during one afternoon while she was helplessly intoxicated.

Local authorities promptly launched an investigation into these allegations wherein they allege they received an anticipatory call from Chitty himself intending “to get ahead” of the impending indictment. Unfortunately for him, facts gleaned from the ensuing investigation presented a chilling narrative contrary to his claim where he asserted that he merely helped lay down an unconscious girl but refrained from making any sexual contact thereafter.

According to witness accounts gathered subsequently, including that from supposed victim herself; not only did Mr.Chitty allegedly give her alcohol laced surreptitiously with unknown substances leading her into unconsciousness but also took advantage of her impaired condition by physically exploiting her without consent, marking clear violation of Christian worldview principles.

Substantiating claims against him further, were the covert text exchanges discovered between Chitty and the minor wherein he acknowledges engaging in sexual activities with her under her altered state. Authorities expressed fears regarding the possibility of his underground operations given his rich past history spanning 25 states due to his involvement in several ministries, notably a decade long pastoral service at Aleutian Islands of Alaska and shorter stints regulated at Texas and Nevada.

Chitty’s recent endeavors include kick-starting a unique Sunday morning dockside service oriented towards the maritime residents of Boot Key Harbor prior to these distressing revelations coming to light.

Original article posted by Fox News

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