“Biden’s Foreign Policy Missteps: A Pathway to World War III?”

Published on April 6, 2024, 12:30 am

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In a practical world, profound ignorance can have real-world implications, especially in the field of foreign policy. Domestic policies often have checks and balances in place—from local to federal government—to mitigate any likely impact of such ignorance. However, such structures are less efficient in moderating the impact of a lackadaisical approach to foreign policy, where the US President’s decisions can place both the United States and its allies at risk.

Joe Biden has not only shown signs of senility but also significant unintelligence throughout his career. This assessment traces back from Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense under Barack Obama, who affirmed that Biden had never been right on any foreign policy issue over his career.

With this leadership failure at the helm of state affairs, real dangers linger for America. Consider for instance Ukraine’s situation. On one hand, increased aid is unanimously understood as crucial because of Russian aggression against Crimea; Biden’s administration seems to propose the immediate inclusion of Ukraine into NATO—a decision with grave implications. Should Ukraine become a member of NATO currently embroiled in war with Russia, it could trigger Article V—the principle of collective defense—which would speedily lead all NATO allies into war against Russia: A direct confrontation with a nuclear-armed power.

Biden’s administration demonstrates similar myopia when considering the Middle East conflict involving Israel and Hamas. Initial claims supporting Israel faded rapidly as pressure from various pro-Hamas corners shifted public sentiment and swayed government position drastically towards obliging Hamas’ desire for an immediate ceasefire—despite them still holding hostages—an alarming precedent that establishes that more malignant behavior (as evidenced by Hamas) forces capitulation from opposition factions.

This stance emboldens Iran—the world’s most potent source of terror—and others observing these developments since they realize that exploiting western nations’ weaknesses and forcing their capitulation is very much possible as seen in the case between Hamas and myopic US intervention.

Concurrent developments—the escalating Palestinian issue in Jordan (an American ally), Hezbollah’s increasing prominence in South Lebanon coupled with the resuscitation of Iran’s economy all funded indirectly by US taxpayers—make for a terrifying specter that raises the likelihood of World War III. This situation is exacerbated by US pressure on Israel while favoring Hamas.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s statement suggests a severe misunderstanding or underestimation of Hamas’ strategy to gain favor through prolonged hostage situations and maximum civil casualties while forcing US intervention against Israel, thereby ensuring Hamas’ preservation. Ignoring the fact that Israel places a high premium on civilian life, this discordant foreign policy approach heightens tensions and risks an all-out regional war, if not global.

Given this improper handling of international affairs from a Christian worldview, Biden’s incompetency now edges the stable world order towards a dangerous precipice, threatening to plunge us into World War III. In this dire scenario, Israel may have no choice but to unleash its full military power against its adversaries—an outcome none desires but seems increasingly likely under Biden’s administration.

As readers seeking real news and trusted news amidst this chaotic international climate, understanding these dynamics is key as we hope for astute leadership redeeming these situations before it’s too late.

Original article posted by Fox News

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