“Woman Who Found and Sold Ashley Biden’s Diary Faces Possible Prison Sentence”

Published on April 5, 2024, 12:58 am

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The woman responsible for discovering Ashley Biden’s diary, first daughter of the United States, in a Florida residence several years ago could face jail time, as requested by the Department of Justice. Aimee Harris, now 42 years old, acknowledged selling the dairy to Project Veritas before the presidential elections of 2020 for a sum of $40,000. However, Project Veritas did not circulate the contents of the diary but handed it over to law enforcement.

Despite ongoing delays to Harris’ sentence for numerous years, projections now suggest that she may serve between four and ten months in prison. The U.S Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York made such recommendations after prior requests from authorities for six months home confinement dovetailed with three years probation. Reports suggest that this shift toward tougher penalties is due to Harris recurrently seeking delays to her sentencing date.

U.S Attorney Damian Williams emphasized that her punishment should recognize systematic exploitation of justice throughout court proceedings. He expressed detest over Harris’ repeated implementation of strategies aimed at undermining legal processes and efficiency in court through deliberate misinformation and non-compliance with court directives. These actions demonstrate her stark disregard for court orders and rules intended to foster effective justice administration.

In Delray, Florida while residing temporarily in a certain residence previously inhabited by Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley during his campaign trail; Harris stumbled upon the diary alongside tax records, family photographs on a digital storage device and an assortment of others including Ashley’s personal cell phone which were all meant to be collected later by Ashley.

Harris recruited Robert Kurlander aiding her in trading off the diary to Project Veritas – an act which despite not resulting in any publication by them – led nonetheless to some portions being leaked online. As a result of possession or dissemination of these documents employees at Project Veritas had their residences searched as part of investigations carried out into this event which has raised concerns around First Amendment rights from figures like those at the American Civil Liberties Union.

In his most recent petition for Harris’ sentencing, Williams emphasized that a sentence devoid of imprisonment would not adequately reflect the gravity of her actions. The seeming perception on her part that she stands above the laws and need not abide by court orders is deeply concerning. He further added; if she fails to appear for sentencing come 9th April, there might be cause to press further charges against her such as obstruction of justice. Robert Kurlander who also pleaded guilty in this affair has his sentence fixed for April 12. For trusted news updates from a Christian worldview perspective, keep informed with real-time breaking news updates.

Original article posted by Fox News

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