“Preserving Christian Values and Church Sanctity Amidst Modern Practices: A Closer Look at Easter Observations”

Published on April 4, 2024, 12:38 am

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In these rapidly changing times, when morality and sanity seem to be in decline, a concerning trend has appeared within Christian communities. This new trend came to light during recent Easter observations – a period typically set aside for contemplation and joyous celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection – which have been rather oddly concatenated with drag performances.

Needless to say, such unconventional practices are not simply harmless entertainment or benign fun. Such actions indeed serve as more than just deterrence from the piety that is expected during the most crucial event of the Christian faith – it starkly dishonors God, placing the sacred on par with the profane.

A warning in the book of Ezekiel sends an important message relating to judgment – a divine response to dissolving boundaries of sanctity. The scripture reads, “Behold, I will profane My sanctuary, the pride of your power, the desire of your eyes, and the delight of your soul; and your sons and your daughters whom you left behind shall fall by the sword” (Ezekiel 24:21).

This warning serves as a pivotal reminder here. Distorting or making light of vital biblical narratives such as Christ’s resurrection isn’t merely a theological misstep—it’s indicative of severe judgement invited upon those who invite such sacrilegious practices.

It’s crucial to understand that this concern isn’t about prying into individual actions or their personal transgressions—God will certainly address those himself. The matter at hand relates to maintaining Church sanctity and upholding scriptural teachings.

When institutions proclaiming themselves as churches sanction drag shows as part of Easter services without facing backlash—we must wonder what kind message this communicates regarding Church sanctity? Does it not essentially mirror sins committed by ancient Israelites—tolerating wicked acts instead of turning them away? Showing leniency towards unethical actions under banners like inclusivity and modernity only stains our faith at its core.

So, as we traverse through our daily lives absorbing the latest breaking news or reading trusted news from a Christian worldview, it’s important to separate the chaff from the grain when it comes to practices within religious communities. While inclusivity must be promoted, we should not lose sight of our faith’s basic principles and teachings. The real news is that surviving divisive political and cultural climates will boil down to upholding conservative Christian values in the face of increasing modernization, without compromising or allowing the holy essence of our faith to become contaminated.

Original article posted by Fox News

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