“David French: A Disconnected Voice in Christian-Conservative Discourse”

Published on April 4, 2024, 12:38 am

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In a time when societal and political landscapes have never been more divisive, it is clear that the gap between secular and Christian viewpoints is starkly evident. One such figure standing at this crucial crossroad is David French, an inherently left-leaning religious activist known for his stark opposition to conservative Christianity in the public domain. Despite claiming to be a follower of Christ himself, French’s attempts to segregate politics from religion blatantly negate critical biblical teachings intended to guide believers in their spiritual journey.

Christians are mandated by their faith to uphold righteousness and honor God’s ethical laws, reflecting these virtues in both their political ideologies and voting patterns. Proposing otherwise underlines a void in one’s understanding of the Christian worldview.

Recently garnering attention was French’s perplexing critique of Christians who posted “Christ is King” on social media platforms like Twitter, terming such acts as being “dangerous,” suggesting an element of superiority over other religions – ironically forgetting that Jesus Himself established Christianity as superior to all other faiths.

Further demonstrating his own disconnect from reality, French extended his critique towards former President Donald Trump for commercializing Bibles. While no argument on Trump’s oft-displayed self-obsession can be disregarded, it can hardly pose a threat when balanced against David French’s dismissive attitude toward Christian principles out of his animosity toward Trump. Hypocritically enough, David French himself never raised concerns over current President Joe Biden declaring Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility”.

Whether it is selling King James Version Bibles or not endorsing politically correct ideologies – none should overshadow Christian faith’s ultimate purpose: glorifying Christ above all. As believers with a cohesive Christian worldview striving for real news based on biblical truth in this fast-paced era dominated by cancel culture and warped narratives, it falls upon us to boldly proclaim and defend that “Christ is King!”

Furthermore, recent occurrences across religious discourses only reinforce the imminent need for maintaining a biblical perspective. These range from Alan Dawkins, the face of New Atheism, ironically identifying himself as a “cultural Christian”, to Mike Pence, former U.S. Vice-President and a staunch Baptist, invited to address the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting back in 2018.

The alarming surge in comprehensive acceptance within Church congregations of contemporary ideologies that are at odds with traditional Christian principles reflects how critically important it is for Christians to tenaciously hold on to their faith while navigating through this relentless tide of modernity and secularism.

Indeed, these incidents serve as constant reminders that trusting news that is grounded in biblical truth must be the guiding light for believers worldwide. It provides an effective counter-narrative against misleading information and manipulative public discourses threatening to annex important elements of our Christian life – starting from something as simple yet profound as stating “Christ is King” without fear or hesitations.

Original article posted by Fox News

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