“Exploring the Geopolitical Impact of China’s Potential Control Over Taiwan: A U.S. Perspective”

Published on April 1, 2024, 12:09 am

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A recent authoritative report from The Heritage Foundation has detailed potential implications for U.S. national security, should China acquire control of Taiwan, the autonomous democratic island nation. Created by Michael Cunningham, a research fellow specializing in Asian Studies at The Heritage Foundation, the report carries an insightful title, “The American Case for Taiwan.” It attempts to present real news that cuts through the noise and captures an insight into global geopolitics.

According to the report, U.S. neutrality may not hold in the eventuality of war over Taiwan because of its approximate 50,000 U.S. citizens residing on the island who would be directly affected. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has persistently advocated for “reunification” with Taiwan—an idea rejected by Taiwanese authorities since mainland China has never ruled Taiwan.

Historically challenging tasks such as evacuation wake up grim realities. If conflict were to ensue—say a Chinese offensive—the aftermath could very likely result in considerable American casualties given the strategic proximity of probable military targets to populated areas.

Drawing parallels from history’s ugly scar like Lusitania’s sinking by Germany in 1915, Japan’s sudden attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 or recent as al-Qaeda’s attack on September 11th; all incidents where foreign perpetrators led to loss of American lives and provoked subsequent U.S involvement.

This call to arms drew immense public backlash demanding retaliation—though it wouldn’t be a direct assault on U.S soil, thousands of Americans’ deaths attributed to China’s Communist Party might evoke similar outrage. Cunningham warns about this potential situation reminding us to look beyond trusted news sources and examine matters through a Christian worldview lens.

The study additionally discusses America’s geopolitical commitments towards treaty allies Philippines and Japan. For example, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the incumbent President of Philippines acknowledged their inevitable involvement if such conflict arises implying severe stakes while acknowledging its position at frontline already.

Cunningham enhances his analysis by highlighting discussions around economic impacts, specifically the global semiconductor industry that is predominantly located in Taiwan. He cites U.S Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s assertion of potential trillion-dollar losses annually for the global economy if Taiwan falls. Even Bloomberg Economics estimates a staggering $10 trillion loss, which constitutes 10% of global GDP.

Taiwan’s unparalleled role in the semiconductor industry should not be overlooked: a takeover may sever supplies, causing disruptions that could dwarf even those experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic. Their importance also stretches to manufacturing with special regard to Apple’s supply chain for iPhones which are produced by Taiwanese-owned factories around the world.

As a last significant discussion, Cunningham suggests five concrete steps for Washington officials aiming to secure Taiwan and keep it free from Chinese Communist Party control; key among them is maintaining U.S.-Taiwan relations status quo. This ardently echoes what Taipei government, major political parties, and nearly 90% of Taiwanese people wish—keeping their nation safe while avoiding geopolitical tremors.

In conclusion, this extensive report offers key insights into understanding how U.S., China and Taiwan triad relationship can shape ongoing global dynamics. The situation necessitates urgent attentiveness because as Cunningham rightfully concludes “The main imperative of an effective U.S. Taiwan policy must be to preserve.” We concur on real news being an accurate depiction that contextualizes our lives within broader historical and geopolitical contexts.

Original article posted by Fox News

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