“Addressing Mothers Who Have Undergone Abortion: A Letter from a Concerned Believer”

Published on November 27, 2023, 1:02 am

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Esteemed mothers who have experienced abortion,

I will like to begin this piece by offering a heartfelt apology on behalf of the Church, in recognition of the numerous ways it might have failed you.

One aspect where apologies are due is in regard to the propagated misinformation. There has been an ongoing force within the Church claiming that consequences shouldn’t hold for abortive mothers accused of terminating their yet unborn babies. This school of thought, led primarily by ambivalent male heads of the Evangelical Church, insists on portraying aborted mothers as mere victims alongside their terminated offspring. However, this stance contradicts traditional Christian Worldview and Biblical principles concerning personal sin accountability.

In reality, life after abortion isn’t about playing victim but facing potential judgments for sins before God’s eyes. It is stated in Proverbs 6:17 that God despises hands shed innocent blood. Your deeds could be seen as unclean (Isaiah 64:6). More importantly, guilt equates not only to committing murder but also deserving death (Romans 1:32). Pardon us for having previously glossed over this trusted news.

Moreover, sorry for any illusions created by the Church suggesting societal compensation or social justice rewards for choosing life over abortion. Various reasons stand behind a mother’s choice to terminate her pregnancy – one main reason often being economic fear. To combat rising abortion rates whilst meeting socio-economic needs, alternative solutions like adoptive placement opportunities, free housing and healthcare services have been proposed by the Christian community.

Remember though it’s important for Churches to meet and respond altruistically towards needy cases; they should worry less about satisfying your temporal needs especially when it’s perceived as rewarding your decision against killing an unborn child. Parenting responsibilities predominantly fall onto parents rather investing on support networks put together as alternatives should there not be enough resources to support a new child. Unforseen consequences could result from such actions such as sudden explosions in sexual immorality leading to even more abortions. Accountability lies not only in choosing abortion due to lack of sustenance, but also in the lead up activities prompting such decision.

Further, apologies are in order for any consolations given about your spiritual state before God that might not have reflected the full truth. The Church’s focus on charitable actions and legislative attempts regarding pro-life matters could’ve been pulling wool over some people’s eyes instead of shedding light onto the path of Biblical morality. Superiorly acknowledged as an act against God’s righteous laws, terminating an unborn child is deemed fundamentally wrong where abortive mothers understand this (Revelation 21:8). Your sins stand punishable and I am really sorry for having failed to make this entirely clear before.

Still, don’t lose hope. God embodies much more attributes other than justice; he is characterized by kindness, mercy and grace too. To balance out justice with mercy while satisfying divine wrath yet permitting you forgiveness plus access into Heaven – a redeeming path was created with Jesus Christ being its mediator.

Immortalized within Romans 8:3, Jesus – son of God became man illustrating “likeness of sinful flesh and for sin” living a virtuous life unrecognized by mankind. Sinners were redeemed through Jesus’ crucifixion which appeased God’s willingness to punish our sins(present and future), sealing it off with his resurrection banishing sin and death forever whilst advocating repentance for those who desire salvation through him.

I regret this genuine news has remained veiled until now. It takes hardening one’s heart against God before inflicting death upon innocent lives becomes appealing (Proverbs 8:36). Garnering substantial hatred from others by virtue of your confrontation with Creator can potentially render you victim-less crimes-earning certainly death and Hell without availability of saving grace from Christ as prophesied within Christian Worldview teachings under Real News category but also a symbol of redemption for remorseful hearts found at Jesus Christ’s cross.

Yours Faithfully
A concerned believer

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Original article posted by Fox News

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