“Biden’s Foreign Policy: Balancing Act between Israel and Hamas?”

Published on March 20, 2024, 12:48 am

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In recent times, the foreign policy decisions of President Joe Biden have raised eyebrows, seemingly undermining Israel while emboldening Hamas. The questions surrounding such moves reflect a pressing need for trusted news that views these developments through a Christian worldview.

Following his State of the Union address, Biden was overheard speaking to Democrat Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado suggesting he and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would “have a come-to-Jesus meeting.” This remark can be puzzling considering the faith background of the Jewish state’s leader. Netanyahu, who has been a fixture in Israeli politics since the 1980s, likely took this comment in stride rather than feeling threatened.

It is essential to remember that America does not dictate Israel’s actions; this nation is sovereign and has historically depended on its own valor and intelligence to safeguard its citizens. While the United States stands as an ally of Israel—a relationship that has seen its fair share of challenges—the assistance it provides extends to advice and support rather than directives.

Biden drew an apparent line in the sand when he announced that any Israeli occupation of Rafah would breach a specific boundary—offering echoes of Barack Obama’s ill-fated red line concerning Syrian chemical weapons use. When faced with Biden’s threat, Netanyahu responded unequivocally—he stated plainly that they had no plans to succumb to such pressure.

The scenario served as another instance where American-imposed red lines seemed fleeting. Even amidst this dilemma, Biden reiterated on MSNBC his unwavering support for Israel: “It is a red line, but I’m never going to leave Israel.”

Many may argue with conviction that entering Rafah is crucial for lasting peace—a stance shared by both Netanyahu and his political adversaries alike. As suggested by Israeli War Cabinet member Benny Gantz, stopping short from fully neutralizing threats from regions like Rafah would fall parallel to dampening most—but not all—of an engulfing fire.

The case against Hamas is compelling. Since their inception, they called for the outright annihilation of Israel—promoting a narrative that left no room for a solitary Jew. Evidence of their callous governance includes exploiting resources meant to build hospitals and homes in Gaza to construct an extensive tunnel network instead.

Hamas has shown time and again their readiness to use the people of Gaza as human shields in an attempt to invoke international outrage against Israel. Yet, much of this conflict was instigated by Hamas themselves, turning urban areas into battlegrounds where civilian casualties were unfortunately inevitable.

Hamas maintains an aggressive stance towards Israel, aiming for its complete obliteration—a stark reality exhibited across maps circulated within the Arab world and Iran. The ideal ‘One-State Solution’ envisaged by them erases Israel entirely—a fact devoid on most geographical displays where Jewish holy sites are conspicuously absent among Christian and Muslim landmarks.

As real news filters through, it becomes apparent that Biden should stand unwaveringly with Israel while condemning Hamas’ acts of terrorism and genocide. However, recent actions raise questions about his positioning on this pivotal issue—is he rising to the task or faltering? Only time will provide a clear answer.

Original article posted by Fox News

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