“PornHub Terminates Operations in Texas Following Age Verification Law Dispute”

Published on March 15, 2024, 12:58 am

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In an escalating battle over age verification laws, Texas and its Attorney General Ken Paxton have scored a victory against pornography giant PornHub. This success has culminated in the company’s decision to terminate its operations across the state. The ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit on Tuesday dismissed an earlier injunction tied to an age-verification requirement for site access, establishing that these regulations will be sustained.

Nonetheless, the judicial body did preserve a ban on a section of House Bill 1181 which mandates that PornHub show a health warning on its landing page and all advertisements. In response to this ruling, PornHub penned an open letter to users on Thursday asserting that this prohibition infringes upon their First Amendment rights.

“In today’s responsibilities handed by officials in Texas,” stated Pornhub, “the imposed precondition requiring age verification before permitting website access not only infringes on adult rights to secure protected speech but also fails due strictness scrutiny as it signifies employing insufficient yet restrictive techniques to fulfill Texas’ stated aims. These aims revolve around alleged minor protection.”

The firm—representative of one of the world’s largest pornographic platforms—continued arguing that stipulating age verification obtrudes platforms’ choice of compliance, leaving countless unregulated options exposed and obtainable. As observed in other states’ experiences, such orders haven’t proven successful in protecting minors as they drive users away from compliant websites towards inappropriate ones with even fewer safety procedures put in place.

PornHub pointed out further, expressing its primary concern for user safety: “Sadly, Texas’s law concerning age-verification presents fragmented efficacy causing potential risks. Not merely will this fail at actual child protection but will certainly hinder content creators’ capability to publish and distribute legal adult content impinging their freedom to relay their artistic message.”

In demonstrating lawful compliance while advocating safer internet browsing policies worldwide, PornHub has resolved pick an uphill battle by disabling Texan access until a more efficacious solution emerges.

The recent judgement sparked jubilation among conservative groups – among them the Texas Family Project. The organization’s president, Brady Gray, hailed it as a victory for families: “Texas families keep scoring success!” Grateful expression followed this statement totting up people who helped achieve this triumph like Nate Schatzline and Ken Paxton.

However, Texas isn’t an isolated case; numerous states have adopted analogous age-verification legislations leading PornHub to withdraw from seven more states including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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