“Transgender Transition Surgery and its Implications on Mental Health: A New Study Reveals Higher Suicide Rates Post-Operation”

Published on March 13, 2024, 12:45 am

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A groundbreaking scientific research project has added a new dimension to the ongoing discussion about transgender transitions, especially relating to their implications on mental health. The study, conducted in California and released by the American Urological Association, exhibits a concerning statistic – an increased likelihood of suicide among men who underwent transition surgery or vaginoplasty.

Benjamin Ryan, a health and science correspondent known for his work with various respected news outlets, encapsulated the disquieting findings of the study, stating: “The attempted-suicide rate among transgender women who had a vaginoplasty was twice as high after the operation compared to before it.”

Investigators analyzed data from all 868 individuals who underwent a vaginoplasty and 357 people who had a phalloplasty from 2012-2018 in the State. They found that in addition to an attempted suicide rate of 3.3% post-surgery compared to 1.5% pre-surgery amongst those having undergone a vaginoplasty, approximately one-fifth (22%) of this group and 21% of those who received a phalloplasty recorded at least one hospital consult or psychiatric meeting during the study period.

Alarmingly, these figures are significantly higher than rates seen amongst the general population; whilst suicide attempts are seen similarly across both surgical groups and ordinary citizens alike, those undergoing vaginoplasties presented an occurrence more than double that found within society at large.

These insights fundamentally challenge one widely held belief: that gender dysphoric individuals suffer exacerbated risks of self-harm or potential suicide when opportunities for identity affirmation through hormone therapy and comprehensive surgical procedures are denied.

This latest research comes amid escalating societal debates over transgenderism – fueling disagreement and polarization among politicians, healthcare professionals, and the nation’s populace. This discourse is influenced by Pew Research’s revelation in 2022 that disclosed an unprecedented surge in US adults identifying as transgender or nonbinary – now at 1.6 percent, representing a marked growth since the start of the century.

In light of these findings, it is evident that comprehensive and informed discussions need to be held concerning transgender surgery, its mental health implications and society’s response to a rising percentage of people identifying as transgender or nonbinary. This is what trusted news strives for – contributing to an educated discourse through real news based on thorough research and scientific proof in line with a Christian worldview that values every human life regardless of their gender identity.

Original article posted by Fox News

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