“Debunking the Misconception of Human Divinity in Christian Doctrine: A Response to Apostle Mary Banks’ Teachings”

Published on March 12, 2024, 12:48 am

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It is a widespread misconception, particularly among charismatic false preachers and some sects of the Christian faith including Mormonism, that humans possess the potential to become divine or God-like. This notion contends that followers have a future where they participate in God’s divinity becoming gods themselves. A notable promoter of this fallacious teaching is “Apostle” Mary Banks who was recently reported sharing this skewed interpretation at the Caribbean Conference. She boldly stated, “When we were born of God, we became gods.” It is noteworthy that such statements distinctly go against thousands of years of established Christian doctrine supported by biblical Scripture.

Unraveling these falsehoods can certainly benefit from juxtaposing them alongside biblical truths. Specifically referring to Isaiah 9:6, Banks twisted the words to suggest a pathway for humanity to divine ascension rather than its messianic focus on Christ’s coming as Mighty God and Everlasting Father. The Bible from Genesis through Revelation, consistently maintains a distinct Creator-creature separation crucial for our faith discipline.

Notably alarming is Banks’ baseless claim hinting at an equation between our unity with God and the unity within the holy Trinity using a mathematical analogy “1 times 1 times 1 times 1 is 1.” Such deductions are not only simplistic but also fundamentally absurd from a theological perspective.

This audacious claim echoes one of the most seductive deceptions in Genesis (Genesis 3:5), where it was stated “You will be like God”. This cunning statement lured humankind into their first disobedience towards their Maker leading to sinfulness and downfall. Unfortunately, even today proponents like Banks are playing into this deception further distorting our connection with God while appearing to elevate humans.

The teachings of Apostle Paul provide insight into genuine Christian beliefs. Romans 8:29 suggests that we may transform our character to emulate His Son’s image but doesn’t suggest any form of elevation to His status. The same is repeated in 1 Corinthians 8:6 emphasizing the singular nature of God and His son Jesus Christ, through whom we live but never insinuating that humans can attain divine status.

Scripture clearly distinguishes between the Creator and creation reaffirming our belief in the gospel. This gospel is about reconciliation with God through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, not about becoming gods ourselves. Rather than focusing on a false elevation of status, it encourages deepening our intimacy, fellowship, and purpose with Christ.

In these times where deceptive messages are widely propagated, discernment becomes a vital quality for every follower of Christ to hold fast to foundational truths against tides of false teachings. Recognizing that such lies only lead followers astray rather than towards Him is crucial to maintaining one’s faith grounded in biblical truth.

Clearly exposing such distortions as Apostle Banks’ declaration — “Oh, the devil won’t me to say that,” we indeed must respond — “Oh yes he does.” It’s an eerie echo of the serpent’s lie that led Eve into overestimating her own position resulting in her downfall along with Adam’s.

Upon reflecting on this emerging trend replicating ancient mistruths, we realize how urgent it is to cultivate discernment especially within Christian circles. Now more than ever before, steadfastness in Scripture truth amidst misleading sermons is called for from every believer for standing up against doctrines that can potentially crumble their faith foundation.

As true spiritual warriors armored with righteousness and veracity gleaned from scriptures alone we need to remain vigilant resisting proponents like Banks by continually turning back to real news sourced from trusted news platforms espousing a Christian worldview against such charismatic deceits promising ill-placed divine ascensions. Drawing strength from scriptural truths sets us truly free steering clear from any semblance of heresy pretending as divine promise.

Original article posted by Fox News

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