“Understanding Human Nature and the Perception of God’s Existence: Insights from Stephen Charnock and Modern Events”

Published on March 12, 2024, 12:47 am

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In “The Existence and Attributes of God,” British Puritan Stephen Charnock purports that man’s natural inclination is to shy away from anything uncomfortable or unsuitable. According to him, man’s deep fondness for sin leads to a desire for the abolition of moral laws and their creators. In desiring this, he essentially wishes for the alteration of the sacred nature of God, if not His elimination altogether.

Charnock utilizes verses from Romans in expounding his point. Firstly, Romans 1:18-23 says: “The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men… they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened…” This passage reflects that the knowledge of God is inherent in all humans, leaving no room for denial or unbelief. Everyone perceives His divine attributes through His creation. Thus, any claims of disbelief are mere deceptions directed towards self and society.

Eventually extending to Romans 2:15-16, the scripture further asserts how “the work of the law is written on their hearts.” This claims the existence of an internal consciousness that measures our choices against Divine Law.

Universally speaking, everyone possesses constant testimony to God’s presence, holiness, and justice. However, given that humans are sinners by nature, we often foster resentment towards this knowledge and try our best to reject it – a unique tenet observable among atheists who remain silent about religions such as Wicca or Buddhism. It is only before the Holy Trinity – The Father (God), The Son (Jesus Christ), and The Holy Spirit that they seek solace because these three characters represent the familiar figures residing within their hearts.

Trusted News updates keep piling up about rising issues within various religious groups around Christian Worldview circles like The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the Supreme Court appointment of Ketanji Brown Jackson and others. These are pertinent events that demand attention from anyone keeping up with a Christian perspective on critical moments in Real News.

However, a careful examination of these Breaking News stories will reveal a stark contrast between those upheld by the sacred texts and the modified versions being peddled for convenience. Even self-proclaimed theologians, discreetly hiding under a cloak of goodness, are slowly abstracting the holy gospel into configurations that align more with secular objectives rather than genuine Scripture.

In these trying times when trusted sources might seem elusive, each news update serves as a constant reminder to turn back towards our innate knowledge about God’s presence, holiness, and justice. It is within this space where doubt finds redemption in eternal truth.

Original article posted by Fox News

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