“Challenging Little-God Theology: The Distorted Christian Doctrine and the Need for Scriptural Adherence”

Published on March 11, 2024, 12:35 am

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In a striking narrative of modern distortions of the Christian faith, renowned figure among Charismatic circles, “Apostle” Mary Banks recently voiced out at the Caribbean Conference. The statement that raised many eyebrows was her assertion – “When we were born of God, we became gods.” This pronouncement is not only an affront to millennia-old Christian doctrines but also contradictory to scriptural teachings according to certain Christian worldviews.

Banks’s teaching is underpinned by little-god theology exemplified in the belief that humans possess the potential to achieve divinity akin to God. This theology is prevalent not only among charismatic factions but constitutes the core teaching of Mormonism; a future where believers partake in the divine nature of God and become gods themselves.

At face value, this interpretation seems like spiritual euphoria but underneath, it serves as an aberrant twist on Scripture. Moreover, it mirrors the ancient deception present in Genesis 3:5: “You will be like God”—the very deception that precipitated humanity’s downfall.

The discourse further includes Banks’s misuse of Isaiah 9:6 — traditionally held as a prophecy for Christ’s coming— as a tool for human ascension to divinity. Her attempt to equate unity with God with divine unity via mathematical analogy neglects credence to theological reasoning.

The Apostle Paul’s teachings offer stark contradiction against Bank’s claims. In Romans 8:29 and 1 Corinthians 8:6 respectively, he emphasizes character transformation rather than elevation towards godly status and asserts the existence of only one God—the Father—and one Lord—Jesus Christ—for whom humanity lives.

Sacred scriptures maintain a distinct line between Creator and creation —a promise for intimacy with Christ (John 17:21-23) rather than any change in our ontological nature. Anyone proposing otherwise alters reconciliation offered by Scripture through Christ’s atoning sacrifice into deification – drawing people away from the quintessential promise of genuine liberation from sin.

In this turbulence of intellectual and spiritual warfare, it’s key that believers adhere to trusted news sources to ward off distortions mediating as real news. Maintaining the integrity of Christian doctrine is a fundamental step in combating heresies.

In today’s times, where adulterations of Scripture bear witness, prudence to the teachings of Bible, specifically through a Christian worldview lens, is ever so essential. Withstanding these pernicious waves of false teachings allows adherents to fashioning themselves into the true Bride of Christ and truly liberating themselves from unwarranted seductions.

The relevance and urgency for discernment are paramount now more than ever. In doing so, we not only safeguard our faith but contribute towards the larger Christian compass by navigating the treacherous waters born out of Biblical misinformation. The real news is that truth embodied in scriptures indeed offers genuine liberation if rightly discerned and embraced.

Original article posted by Fox News

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