“Exposing the Heresy of Human Divinity: A Critique of Modern Charismatic Theologies”

Published on March 10, 2024, 2:41 am

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The dangerous belief in the little-god theology, or the fallacious idea that we as humans harbor the potential to become God or divine like God, has been surfacing among charismatic teachers and even underpinning doctrines in religions such as Mormonism. The notion suggests our future aspiration should be to partake in God’s divinity and morph into gods ourselves. This heresy is grievously misleading and goes against centuries of Christian doctrine and biblical teachings.

In amplifying this erroneous interpretation, figures like “Apostle” Mary Banks have manipulated spiritual readings for their own distorted purposes. During a session at the Caribbean Conference, her outlandishly twisted version of Scripture claimed, “When we were born of God, we became gods.” This statement is not only perilous but blatantly contradicts millennia-old Christian precepts.

One dangerous instance of Banks’s misinterpretation focuses on Isaiah 9:6 which she distorts to suggest a possible ascension to deity for humans. However, this verse was actually prophesizing about Christ’s coming as the Mighty God and Everlasting Father – not hinting at mankind metamorphosing into deities. The principles from Genesis through Revelation categorically distinguish between a Creator-creature dynamic which remains indisputable and central to our faith as Christians.

By offering misleading interpretations that echo Genesis 3:5’s lie of being “like God,” Banks inadvertently perpetuates humanity’s initial fall from grace playing into the devil’s hand. The exaggeration ironically brings people back to Eden’s original sin – aspiring to dethrone God – while repackaging itself as salvation for humanity.

Such stark contradictions against divine truth demand a revisit to Apostle Paul’s teaching who preached transformative character alignment with His Son rather than hyping up His status (Romans 8:29). As reiterated by Paul in Corinthians 8:6, there exists just one Lord Jesus Christ whom we serve and through whom all things originated and subsist. Searchingly, Paul leaves no room for humans to achieve divine status but encourages us to instead build a fulfilling relationship with the singular true God through Jesus Christ.

Banks’s utterances dangerously blur the sharp distinction between Creator and His creation as stated in Scriptures. The promise of unity with Christ (John 17:21-23) refers to deeper intimacy, a shared fellowship, and common purpose – not about metamorphosis into divine beings.

This deviation serves only to steer God’s followers off course splintering their deep-rooted faith rather than fortifying their Its relationship with Him. The discernment against such spiritual deceptions is mandatory more than ever before. Those grounded in the Scriptural truth should resist these deviations donned on by modern interpreters like Banks.

Mocking Banks’s proclamation that “the devil won’t me [her] say that,” we ought to respond promptly “Oh, indeed he does.” Like in Eden, Adam and Eve were deceived into overestimating their own status leading to their disastrous descent. Sadly, this ancient lie echoes in charismatic creeds today causing distanced human connection with God rather than fostering intimacy.

Against this backdrop of spiritually dangerous misinterpretations, Christians are called upon to embrace discernment urgently. The true Bride of Christ anchored deeply in Scripture should withstand the waves of heretical teachings trying to undermine her foundations. Through resolute adherence to scripture and donning the full armor of God, we can effectively resist false prophets like Banks ensuring our liberty lies solely in unwavering Christian truth.

Original article posted by Fox News

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