“America’s Moral Decline: An Urgent Call for Biblical Re-alignment and Rebuilding Church Teachings”

Published on November 26, 2023, 6:21 am

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Mike Johnson, the newly elected House Speaker, has recently raised concerns about the state of moral decline in America. As a Christian brother and one of the top three most influential politicians in the United States, his concerns have created ripples across our nation. During a recent prayer session, he voiced his apprehensions regarding divine judgment on our nation for its moral digression.

While Johnson’s prayers ring with sincerity and reflect a deep concern for America’s dwindling moral values, they miss an essential truth. The United States is already under divine indictment and facing God’s wrath for quite some time now. The cultural acceptance of sexual immorality and widespread practice of abortion are potent signs of this reality.

America’s increasing acceptance of sexual immorality reflects Sodom and Gomorrah’s culture before their destruction by divine intervention. Simultaneously, Romans 1 illustrates societies surrendering to corrupted thinking due to abandonment of God. These Biblical references resonate profoundly with today’s American culture engulfed by the sexual revolution.

At the same time, the prevalent practice of abortion resonates with biblical narratives illustrating societies defying God’s commands recklessly. Each abortion carried out against innocent yet unborn children shows disdain towards divine principles – a resemblance to ancient civilizations that faced God’s wrath due to similar transgressions.

Intriguingly though, it seems as if this divine judgment impacts not just society at large but also the Church itself at least in temporal terms. It feels like God is judging His own people who detest these societal sins more than anyone else, while those sustaining these actions seem unperturbed.

This observation aligns with Apostle Peter’s notable insight: “God’s judgment begins within church walls.” This directive suggests that believers should engage in introspection about their contribution towards societal sin enabling it indirectly instead of checking sinful trends assertively.

Moreover, this period has significant implications related to rebuilding biblically aligned Church teachings around issues like abortion and sexual immorality. Hence, Johnson’s indirect participation in the death of legislation that could have curtailed abortion is not insignificant and requires both acknowledgment and reversal.

However, brighter horizons lie beyond this seeming impasse. As Christians firmly believe, every knee will bow before Jesus Christ as the sovereign Lord eventually, despite any resistance or scorn towards His dominion. So, even during these challenging times of moral erosion in America, our unwavering hope in Christ remains unassailable.

Mike Johnson’s prayers underscored his concerns for America’s spiritual health but perhaps overlooked an evident reality: divine judgment is already upon us. If this connection between today’s social realities and biblical narratives seems stark, it should. It acts as a vivid reminder of the consequences of drifting away from God’s path.

This juncture calls for the Church to assert its pivotal role. We must stand up defying societal sin around us passionately with zero tolerance or complacency – even if our lives hang in balance due to this upright stance amidst adversity.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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