“The Dangers of Straying from Gospel Values: A Call to American Churches for True Allegiance”

Published on March 9, 2024, 12:44 am

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Throughout the course of the Church’s history, an entity masquerading as the elect yet enticing people into darkness has persisted. In recent times, a new wave of progressive American “Church” movement has surfaced which far surpasses anything witnessed before. Posing to adapt to modern standards, this movement embarks on an idolatrous path that totally forgoes gospel values, aligning instead with causes such as the LGBTQ community, social justice and Critical theory.

This trend isn’t limited to identifiable apostate denominations but extends its claws deeply into even the most “traditional” and “conservative” churches in America.

Disguising their allegiance towards Jesus Christ while simultaneously contradicting His teachings and weakening the essence of gospel to maintain superficial peace with the world, this propaganda represents an underlying disparity between claims and conduct. Practically speaking, it results in vain invocation of God’s name.

Holy Scriptures unambiguously condemn sin and portray explicit examples of divine wrath for apostasy and disobedience. Versatile illustrations can be found which document not just Divine judgement but also depict catastrophic scenarios indicating depths humanity can regress when straying from God.

For instance, some passages talk about dreadful situations under high stress sieges where God’s people resort to cannibalism. This serves as an emblem of humanity’s degradation when distanced from God.

Right from witnessing dire punishments during Jeremiah’s time due to ignoring God’s commands and participating in idolatries mirroring neighboring nations’ actions, a warning call is depicted stating “And I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and their daughters…etc”

Similarly Leviticus provides prophetic warnings through ghastly depictions on ultimate human moral decay showcasing measures God might take cleansing His people off their sinful nature.

Ezekiel further conveys gruesome scenarios signifying absolute certainty of divine retribution within communities leading breakage familial bonds under stark judgment weight.

These biblical accounts ring alarm bells to alert the modern church. Those who cater their allegiance to a Christian Worldview must be prepared to face severe repercussions for betraying and distorting gospel truths for societal approval, political correctness, or personal gain.

Similar to God’s historic judgments seen during Noah’s flood times or the fiery destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, His justice on apostasy remains intact since these incidents emanate from His immutable nature.

An urgent call is now echoing throughout America’s modern church. Those espousing a diluted gospel that supports non-biblical ideologies and rejects clear teachings of Scriptures, stand on treacherous grounds. The plea towards repentance amalgamates into a survival necessity.

The faithful followers of Christ are urged to disassociate from deceptive so-called “church assemblies” and firmly uphold the truth originating from God’s words. A dire need circulates demanding fierce adherence towards biblical teachings in an increasingly antagonistic world.

Reflecting upon these facts may we inspire a genuine return towards undiluted gospel that would incite revival within our church adjusting it with God’s sovereign commands and eternal statutes. Time calls for discreet judgments and firm actions bearing eternal consequences.

Original article posted by Fox News

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