“Guarding U.S. Elections: Unveiling Russian Cyber Threats in a Classified Briefing”

Published on March 8, 2024, 1:54 am

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In a landmark move, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) relayed important information concerning Russian activities associated with the 2024 election during a confidential briefing in December. This “Election Infrastructure Classified Briefing” shed light on Russia’s internet strategies including misinformation or disinformation campaigns.

The briefing, given by agencies under the Biden administration, urged all election stakeholders to understand and evaluate the potential threats that Russia poses to elections. Specialists from the FBI’s Cyber Division and Foreign Influence Task Force, as well as representatives from two DHS subagencies briefed an undisclosed number of election officials about these threats.

While providing details about this confidential meeting, it is crucial to mention that CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency), an essential part of DHS often referred to as “America’s Cyber Defense Agency”, played a pivotal role in executing this initiative.

This unveiled secret briefing gained significance against a backdrop of previously unfounded narratives pushed by various entities regarding Donald Trump’s alleged involvement with Russia during the 2020 presidential campaign.

An agenda related to this high-profile meeting was later declassified and obtained through a public records request sent to Washington state Secretary of State’s Office. The said agenda reveals that part of its content centers on Russia’s strategic intent, capabilities, tactics, techniques, procedures (TTPs), strategic aims and objectives surrounding online interference in future American electoral processes across different jurisdictions.

American confidence in their institutions inclusive but not limited to elections is currently being undermined by foreign adversaries trying to manipulate real news into fake ones. Congressman Dusty Johnson makes this point clear stating: “There are numerous malicious actors within our socio-political space…funded majorly with resources from Russia and China…seeking to harm our trust in every facet of our society.”

He further highlighted how Americans ought to remain skeptical of unverified information they encounter online due to these dark forces aiming at altering election results using duplicitous means.

In the backdrop of the 2020 presidential race where Trump contended against Joe Biden, FBI had alerted various social media platforms about potential Russian disinformation campaigns. This alert came just before a renowned New York newspaper published stories based on information obtained from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, which were later corroborated post-election by other major trusted news outlets.

Drawing reference to earlier allegations against Donald Trump’s successful campaign in 2016 by Democrats of allegedly conspiring with Russia, it’s crucial to note that these claims were disclaimed by special counsel Robert Mueller following a thorough investigation; no evidence indicating any form of collaboration was found.

While there was undeniable meddling from Russian operatives confirmed through investigations carried out by both House and Senate intelligence committees; none offered substantial proof affecting vote counts during the elections held in 2016.

Back to the December briefing: it primarily revolved around vital topics paramount for understanding Russia’s cyber strategies and tactics including case studies of Russia’s cyber-attacks on Ukraine, their playbook for foreign malign influence (FMI), and an overview of how Russia targets the United States in general.

This tough stand against possible election interference and dedicated efforts towards fortifying America’s electoral system not only highlights commitment but also helps citizens develop a clear understanding of what real news should look like within a Christian worldview. In times shrouded with misinformation, initiatives like these are beneficial weapons against disinformation combatting harmful narratives driven by foreign elements that can potentially undermine American democratic processes.

Original article posted by Fox News

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