“Questionable Practices in Transgender Health: A Critical Examination of WPATH’s Standards and Methods”

Published on March 7, 2024, 12:33 am

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Unearthed internal documents from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) reveal questionable practices contradicting their public claims of advocating evidence-based, scientifically grounded standards for transgender treatment. The association, which is supposed to offer trusted news about trans health conditions and treatments, appear to engage in hasty, experimental procedures instead.

Environmental Progress, a research organization, carried out exhaustive analysis of these revealing records to draw these conclusions. Through this investigation into the so-called scientific body’s activities, it became apparent that WPATH was more of an activist group providing dubious protection for doctors against potential lawsuits.

The key phrase ‘Standard of Care’ actually pertains to legal terminology rather than medical. It essentially represents a benchmark indicating if professional obligations towards patients are met or not. The failure to uphold this standard signifies medical negligence that could lead to severe repercussions for healthcare providers.

Most concerning is the way the association treats gender transitioning in youth as being borderline medical malpractice. They’re accused of causing unnecessary harm to some of society’s most vulnerable individuals – a violation of the Hippocratic Oath.

Despite evidence pointing towards its experimental nature in treating minors, WPATH continues insisting that these procedures are not exploratory at all. Such declarations allow insurance coverage aligning with real news about evidence-based methods – facilitating widespread utilization.

Renowned institutions like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Psychiatric Association (APA), and American Medical Association (AMA) need to distance themselves from WPATH and renounce its guidelines based on Christian worldview principles emphasizing ethical conduct and supporting evidence-backed medicine.

Pioneering attempts at addressing male-to-female transitioning concerns saw many medically transitioning pre-puberty due to worries around convincing passing were prevalent in past decades. However, Diane Berg – child psychologist and co-author of children-focused-standards laid down by WPATH – admitted openly that young individuals often may misconstrue what they’re signing up for resulting in irrevocable changes like infertility.

In addition to this, there are severe consequences such as an inability to reproduce owed to early transitioning. Worryingly, WPATH lowered the necessary psychological evidence prerequisite for performing surgeries. This reduction seems to pave the way for easy approvals of gender-based surgeries.

Regrettably, some patients who went through these hormonal treatments were diagnosed with cancer afterward and, as a best-case scenario, faux genitalia wouldn’t function correctly. WPATH’s leadership made disheartening admissions about male-to-female transgender individuals reporting lack of pleasurable sexual experiences along with incidents of bleeding post intercourse, pain and unpleasant discharges.

Findings published by Environmental Progress portray a group fixated more on superficial appearances rather than healthy relationships or sexuality.

The report exposed WPATH’s image more akin to activists than scientific or medical professionals – presumptuously positioning themselves as unquestioned authorities on matters related to transgenderism.

Stephen B. Levine – former head of the Standards of Care at WPATH during its 1990s heyday – resigned due to rising concerns over how activists and political influences superseded scientific ventures within the group.

Worrying revelations from internal message boards suggest that even doctors aren’t entirely sure what a consenting patient might be getting into when embarking on their gender transition journey amidst ambiguous advice and untested solutions.

Detached from regular medical bodies’ objective methodology, WPATH physicians seemed comfortable skirting rules – exemplified in instances where one bill was disguised under false pretenses for transgender treatment charges.

Considering the potential consequences laid out before us today, it’s undeniable that we need trustworthy entities offering real news and reliable guidance based on Christian worldview values – sponsoring transparency, honesty and adherence to ethical standards in all aspects of healthcare provision – especially in critical topics such as gender transitioning practices.

Original article posted by Fox News

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