“MSNBC’s Host Defends Biden’s Cognitive Abilities Amidst Public Skepticism: A Question of Trust in Media?”

Published on March 7, 2024, 12:29 am

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In a recent turn of events, host of MSNBC’s programme Joe Scarborough presented a vigorous defense for President Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities. This unexpected defense came amid an upcoming announcement regarding Haley’s anticipated dropout.

Scarborough referred to the president as “far beyond cogent” and even added that he believes Biden is performing better than ever before, courtesy of his extensive experience spanning over five decades in public service. He argued that this improved performance could be seen both intellectually and analytically.

Further defending Biden, Scarborough retrospectively regarded the president’s past outbursts towards individuals, including press members, explaining that Biden was known for being hot-headed in his earlier years. Acknowledging that these responses may have stemmed from acting impulsively at times rather than reasoned thinking.

Undeterred by criticism or differing opinions on the topic, Scarborough maintained his position stating: “F you if you can’t handle the truth.” He went on further proclaiming that the intellectual and analytical capacity of the current president was the best he has seen during all years of knowing him.

Interestingly enough though, it appears there’s some debate over who exactly Scarborough was trying to persuade – viewers or himself. According to a survey conducted by ABC/Ipsos recently revealed alarming statistics suggesting nearly 90% Americans perceive Biden as too elderly to serve another term as President.

While an explicit section of society strongly believes in Biden’s fading mental state due to aging indicators like unclear speech and odd behavior- most notably pointed out in popular satirical impressions Circumstantially it seems that regardless of Scarborough’s passionate defense, public sentiment is unlikely to shift given their perceptions and experience with Biden over time.

Despite these observations becoming common jokes amongst comedians catering to general public sentiment; Scarborough remains strong in his conviction about Mr. Biden being mentally competent—in fact, surprisingly combative about it using stern language.

These incidents raise critical questions concerning mass perception around President Joe’s cognitive capabilities and its implication for trust in news reporting. Is it possible that there might be a hefty dose of coping involved as they struggle to accept the perceived reality about President Joe Biden? Only time will reveal who truly has trouble handling the truth.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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