“Unveiling Hidden Realities: Detransitioners Speak Out Against ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Drawbacks”

Published on March 6, 2024, 12:54 am

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Concerns have been growing among a group known as ‘detransitioners,’ individuals who attempted to transition to another gender then reverted back, over the so-called “gender-affirming care” – namely transgender surgeries, hormones, and puberty blockers. Many of these procedures, particularly for minors, carry experimental and potentially hazardous effects.

Recently, investigative efforts by journalist Michael Shellenberger have shed light on the previously concealed realities of such treatments. Medical professionals within the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) have reportedly been aware of the long-term consequences associated with their suggested practices. These include alarming drawbacks like development of tumors due to hormone use, diminished sexual function, prevalence of uninformed consent among minors, among other outcomes.

Take the case of young Luka Hein, who engaged in a double mastectomy at age 16 believing it would enhance her happiness by transitioning her into a boy. Hein asserts that she now lives with physical pain and loss of body parts due to organizations like WPATH.

The disturbing narrative continues with revelations that many teenagers subjected to puberty blockers had no comprehension they were consenting to sterilization. More unsettling is the fact that WPATH practitioners conducted surgeries on patients plagued by severe mental health problems despite their reservations about their patient’s capacity to give full consent.

Michael Shellenberger notes his relief in making these findings widely accessible through his investigative files termed ‘The WPATH Files’. He firmly declares the lack of comprehensive understanding on gender issues unless one reads through ‘The WPATH Files’.

In response to this breaking news story and trusted news platform revealing eye-opening realities ingrained in this process, several detransitioners have courageously come forward sharing first-hand experiences of physical torment and repercussions born from this ideology.

Detransitioners allege irreversible hormonal and surgical procedures they were nudged towards by doctors who neglected biological truths in favor of ideology. Stories marred with manipulative therapy sessions, flawed surgery executions, attempts at echoing missing body parts, begin to paint a candid illustration of this process.

The discourse reveals consequential emotional and mental trauma detransitioners suffer long after the transformative surgery. One such detransitioner, Abel Garcia, accuses WPATH of giving his therapist ‘a green light’ to ravage his body causing ongoing physical pain while those responsible can rest peacefully.

Other young people have also mirrored these sentiments with despair over experimental transitions performed on developmentally lagging adolescents, lamenting that this could cause permanent developmental retardation and thereby robs children off the opportunity to grow into adults naturally.

Shellenberger’s reports stir an utter pandemonium as it outlines some physicians who sought permission from alternate identities of patients suffering from dissociative identity disorder prior to surgeries. Many have expressed their shock at such approach. This revelation has pushed some detransitioners to call for penal measures against medics who steered them down this path without proper insight and appreciation for potential consequences.

Soon after publication of the investigative report in a trusted news source like The Daily Signal, Marci Bowers, WPATH President responded denying any wrongdoing. She refutes allegations by stating that WPATH always prioritized scientific evidence when offering recommendations and upholds resistance against de-legitimizing trans and gender diverse individuals via scare tactics.

Distressing stories deriving from real news sources gives reason for pause. Detransitioners vindicated by exposure of WPATH experimentation on minors underscores need for caution in handling deeply sensitive transitioning procedures in today’s unpredictable world viewed through a Christian worldview lens.

Original article posted by Fox News

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