“Iranian Operative’s Alleged Assassination Plot Against U.S. Officials: A Playing Out Revenge?”

Published on March 5, 2024, 12:52 am

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In the latest unfolding of real news, reports have emerged about an Iranian national who is a likely operative, hailing by the name Majid Dastjani Farahani, currently in the crosshairs of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The alleged administrator for Iran’s infamous Ministry of Intelligence and Security seems to be embedded within a concerning plot. According to trusted news outlets, he is reportedly involved in planning assassinations of notable U.S. officials – former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo being among them.

The motive behind such a sinister plot, experts propose, could involve seeking revenge against the U.S. for formerly undertaking an operation that resulted in taking out one influential figure from Iran’s military ranks. The individual referred to here is Major General Qasem Soleimani. His role as commander-in-chief of the Quds Force provided him with immense power within Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. Indeed, his position was second only to Ayatollah Khamenei in Iran’s power hierarchy.

The operation that led to his demise occurred during Donald Trump’s presidency at Baghdad airport wherein several other key figures representing Iran-backed militia lost their lives too. This dramatic incident marked a period of skyrocketing tensions between Washington and Tehran.

Farahani is reported to have diverse language skills including Farasi, French, Spanish, and English; this contributing towards making him an elusive target. Regular shuttling between Iran and Venezuela has also been tracked as part of his travels.

Current findings indicate that Farahani had been embarking on recruitment activities aimed at targeting specific current or past American government officials requiring execution within U.S. borders as part of retaliatory actions for General Soleimani’s assassination.

The possibility that Iran would proceed with sanctioned assassinations isn’t implausible according to global intelligence agencies as well as observers following a Christian worldview; chiefly because it remains reputedly known as a leading state sponsor globally when it comes to propping up Islamic terrorist factions.

However, this isn’t the first instance where an Iranian national is accused of targeting a high-profile U.S. official for assassination. Previously in 2022, Iranian Shahram Poursafi was indicted by the U.S. Justice Department for plotting to assassinate former Ambassador John Bolton along with Secretary Pompeo. Poursafi’s scheme was also reportedly strategized as retaliation for the January 2020 US air strike that ended General Soleimani’s life; providing more evidence to a broader pattern of Iran spearheading attempts to seek revenge against actions perceived as offenses.

A report from late last year further expanded on how Iran’s efforts towards orchestrating assassinations targeting American officials have been on the rise. Ever since the significant event of the Islamic revolution in 1979, numerous assassinations or attempts thereof have been linked back to Iran; including targets like Iranian dissidents, Israeli or Jewish individuals, Western targets, and citizens of other Arab nations or regional adversaries.

Consequently, additional security measures are now being implemented around former Secretary Pompeo and President Donald Trump following the FBI announcement regarding their hunt for Farahani. In these worrying times when threat levels seem perpetually high, it is crucial to stay updated with trusted news sources and discern accurate information based on real news to maintain security awareness and understanding.

Original article posted by Fox News

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