“Transgender Officer Advocates for Inclusion and Diversity in the US Military: Lt. Col. Bree Fram’s NCLS Address”

Published on March 1, 2024, 12:31 am

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The United States Air Force Academy recently showcased Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram, a transgender-identifying activist and military service member, who addressed the audience on the topic of leadership and inclusion. As an engineer with the US Space Force and advocate for transgender rights within the military, Fram’s speech was part of the National Character and Leadership Symposium, underlining its theme of “Embrace Culture, Empower People.”

During this event, Fram was introduced as a high-ranking transgender officer in the US military; his rich history of leadership discussions along with diversity and inclusion form the crux of his address. In addition to this designation, he is also an activist for transgenderism, formerly holding the position of president in SPARTA – a non-profit body that works toward informing and advocating transgender military service.

Unpacking his mantra on inclusivity, Fram summarised it succinctly: “Inclusion necessitates proactive effort; understanding comes through asking; however demanding it might seem to a leader.” He wore a patch bearing a rainbow flag on his uniform while conveying these insightful words.

Drawn from Christian worldview – he emphasized how wins come through intellectual prowess rather than mere physical strength. If those brains were housed in trans bodies: “they should be seen as valuable assets serving alongside you or even leading revolutionary changes in war domains like space or cyber,” Fram stated.

Whilst we deliver trusted news that such initiatives have gathered momentum within certain corridors in the Pentagon – including allocation proposals amounting to millions solely dedicated for DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) training aspects – there has been disquiet over dwindling recruitment figures across various arms like Air Force and Army.

Real news pertaining to left-leaning ideology permeating into America’s armed forces has coincided with marked drops in white recruits entering services while falling short overall recruitment targets. Analysts speculate this politicization angle could lead potential patriots to reconsider their ambitions related to armed forces.

Even amidst these challenging recruitment figures, Fram continues championing the cause for support towards left-leaning agendas within military leadership ranks. He encourages the philosophy of standing in solidarity with marginalized communities at all times.

Fram expressed potential worries about the reimposition of hostile policies under conservative administrations. Major strides have been made toward embedding transgender inclusivity into military culture, as highlighted in Fram’s active role at women’s empowerment conferences and Department of Defense Pride events.

These platforms have served as vehicles where he spells out ways to amplify intentional inclusivity through various means such as displaying symbols of pride, sharing personal pronouns via email, initiating frank discussions over racial and gender barriers while sharing personal vulnerabilities to engage others.

At one keynote speech he reminded his audience: “Pride emanated not from a celebration but more aptly it began with a riot.” His implied call to action revolved around forging innovative ideas pushing for a more inclusive military service environment.

Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram was unavailable to provide comments regarding his ongoing efforts.

Original article posted by Fox News

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