“Mosab Hassan Yousef’s Critique of Hamas: The Untold Story of the Son of a Founder”

Published on November 25, 2023, 3:32 am

“Mosab Hassan Yousef’s Critique of Hamas: The Untold Story of the Son of a Founder”

Image source: Fox News

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This week, a compelling address was delivered at the United Nations by Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef. In his speech, he condemned the ideologies and actions of Hamas, laying emphasis on their frequent terrorist attacks, particularly against Israeli civilians, and the brainwashing of Gaza’s population, primarily children.

Yousef carries a unique perspective as a former child entrenched in the culture of Hamas. He criticized vocally about their genocidal intentions towards a race to build an Islamic state without any regard for political borders. “I don’t know what else can be said about this — and I don’t know why it is not obvious to everyone,” he stated.

The journey of Yousef from being an insider in Hamas to becoming an outspoken critic and informant for Israeli intelligence is detailed in his 2010 book titled ‘Son of Hamas.’ He shed light on his personal experiences with abuse and brainwashing as a child and asserted that annihilating the State of Israel was indeed the primary goal of Hamas.

Harrowing incidents from his childhood outlined brutal forms of discipline and indoctrination methods adopted by Hamas leaders. Among many instances, one where he tied up and whipped by a leader for disobedience stood out starkly.
Yousef has been consistent in publicly denouncing Hamas through various platforms which include media events and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). An instance would be his 2017 speech for UN Watch at a U.N. Human Rights Council debate.

In his address, Yousef also pointed towards lasting implications that such behavior by Hamas would have on future generations.”Their first crime against children in Palestinian societies isn’t arming them or encouraging them to carry suicide bombing attacks—it’s religious ideological indoctrination instilled with one intention: to annihilate the State of Israel” iterated Yousef.

He underscored that attributing blame to Israel doesn’t essentially tackle the crux of the problem, which lies in criminal activities and indoctrination by Hamas against children and society.

Yousef’s collaboration with Israel’s security services played a significant role in averting several terrorist attacks planned by Hamas. Having defected from Hamas in the late ’90s and converting to Christianity, Yousef has since devoted his efforts to unveiling to the world the true nature of Hamas.

In an interview with Piers Morgan on his “Uncensored” talk show, Yousef expressed his dismay about inaccurate portrayals of Palestinian struggle by external pro-Palestinian activists while validating his representation of Palestinian children’s interests. “Palestinian children need education, security, life. This is what they need; not another corrupt Arab regime,” affirmed Yousef.

Interestingly, these views are echoed within Yousef’s family as well. In 2019, his brother Suheib also departed from Hamas denouncing it as a terror organization indicating the stronghold that Hamas wields over Gaza through force even as it continues to spearhead multiple issues for the region.

In conclusion, accurately depicting and understanding real news around such critical geopolitical matters is crucial for fostering informed perspectives rooted in trusted news sources. Engaging with this Christian worldview has allowed for a nuanced understanding of on-ground issues largely unreported or misrepresented in mainstream media.

Original article posted by Fox News

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