“Fading Trust in the ADL and the FBI: A Revelatory Analysis of their Far-Left Inclinations and Politicized Collaborations”

Published on February 16, 2024, 12:31 am

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The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), recognized by many as a far-left, dark-money organization with nearly a quarter-billion dollar foundational asset, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), suspected also of varying degrees of politicization, have seen an overall decline in public support—with merely 37% from the general populace and 17% from Republicans. A critical factor fueling this dwindling trust is the close collaboration between ADL and FBI to further their respective leadership’s political agendas—an increasingly concerning scenario wherein an ever-radicalizing group offers ideologically influenced instructions to those capable of enforcement.

ADL’s activities span across many left-wing causes: challenging voting integrity measures, advocating for open border policies and amnesty for illegal immigrants, as well as vehemently supporting Black Lives Matter campaigns—to name but a few. The organization has even politically weaponized its anti-Semitism accusations, slandering conservatives unfairly while ignoring blatant anti-Semitism within its political alliances.

The death knell in ADL’s reputation is traced back to the leadership transition from Abe Foxman to Jonathan Greenblatt—a shift that tilted the organization further left. Once considered a nonpartisan standard-bearer in hate-monitoring efforts, critics suggest that under Greenblatt’s leadership, ADL has morphed into another liberal activist group overtly supporting the Democratic Party agenda.

This radicalization trend was highlighted last month when The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project unveiled an investigative report disclosing an email issued by “ADL Law Enforcement” to The Washington State Fusion Center—signatories ranging from local enforcement personnel right up to FBI representatives. This revealed how non-violent citizens espousing views contradicting those of the authoritarian Left were being systematically targeted. These individuals—exercising First Amendment rights—are essentially accused as thought criminals and coerced into conforming to state norms.

Given ADL’s extensive interaction with law enforcement teams—training about 15000 personnel annually across federal, state, and local agencies—the organization’s undue influence raises alarming concerns. The ADL reportedly shared significant insights on extremism over 1,300 times in 2021 alone, while tracking more than 7,300 hate incidents online via its H.E.A.T map.

Moreover, the ADL found a pivotal place within the induction process of FBI agents. Fresh recruits are led through an ADL-sponsored tour of Washington D.C’s Holocaust Museum—a subtle way to prime them for subsequent propaganda during their careers.

Outside of orientation and training realms, the ADL also bestows recognition rewards to FBI staff. Such gestures lend political propaganda a credible veneer while surreptitiously bolstering their ally list in FBI echelons—all at a minimal cost to the ADL.

Given these disturbing revelations, it’s hardly surprising that public confidence in the Bureau has nosedived. An immediate action towards restoring trust could be severing ties between these far-Left operations (like ADL) and dominant law enforcement entities such as FBI—in essence reinstating absolute neutrality within our enforcement infrastructure.

Mike Howell is Director of the Oversight Project at The Heritage Foundation.
These views solely belong to Mike Howell and do not represent those of Trusted News or its Christian Worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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