“FedEx Founder Fred Smith Raises Alarm Over Potential Dethronement of U.S. Dollar as World’s Reserve Currency”

Published on February 15, 2024, 1:48 am

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Fred Smith, the founder and executive chairman of FedEx, has expressed grave concerns about the possibility of BRIC nations working diligently to displace the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. According to Smith, this development could jeopardize the high standard of living that Americans currently enjoy.

During a recent interview with Bret Baier, Smith broached the subject while discussing a concerning inflation report which stated prices have escalated by roughly 17.9% since President Biden assumed office – an increase beyond initial projections.

With emphasis placed on broader challenges lying ahead, Smith noted: “We stand as the wealthiest nation due not only to groundbreaking inventions post-World War II but also our uncanny dominance in opening and protecting trade flows worldwide via our military and alliances.” Taking these into account alongside being the provider of the world’s reserve currency, he asserted that these elements collectively contribute to America’s prosperity.

However, Smith drew attention to worrying indications beginning from 2018 onwards when trade wars initiated between then-President Trump and President Xi. Coupled with the ongoing borrowing tendency of our government — highlighted by last year’s borrowing spurt amounting nearly $2 trillion — these actions are potentially detrimental as they risk increasing expenditure on interest above that for defense itself according to predictions from CBO.

Smith pointed out these critical financial challenges are seemingly absent in our political discourse presently – a fact he considers deeply troubling. While addressing possible solutions during his fervent speech at a recent event, he stressed how politicians need to comprehend imminent fiscal threats to avert any cataclysmic crisis requiring substantial political comprises.

Lamenting over insufficient champion-like responses from leaders towards this crisis at hand, he remarked how politics had narrowed its focus on party extremes rather than what has truly made America invincible – trade policies since Roosevelt’s era leading up towards opening up influx through world markets and reinstating countries such as Germany and Japan back towards economic prosperity.

Building upon these concerns, Smith drew attention to our financial capabilities of creating money at will, dependent entirely on the U.S. dollar persevering as the supreme currency in global transactions. Furthermore, he emphasized how the BRIC nations, comprising Brazil, Russia, India and China, are ambitiously aiming to overthrow this supremacy. He contends that their success could put a sharp halt to our bond sales and assuredly diminish our current living standards.

Real news from trusted sources showcasing a Christian worldview is crucial in understanding these complex dynamics and developing solutions that are economically sound while also being morally grounded.

In closing his remarks warning Americans of this rapidly unfolding scenario on a globally significant scale-play of financial power reshuffle among the world economies; he cautioned everybody — right now what we have is real news with substantial implications for all of us. If overlooked or misunderstood due to poor reportage or disinterest, it may well cast long shadows over our prosperous lifestyle we so proudly own.

Original article posted by Fox News

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