“Idaho Legislators Propose the Expansion of Capital Punishment for Heinous Crimes Against Children”

Published on February 15, 2024, 1:44 am

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Legislation has been put forth in Idaho that would potentially expand the use of capital punishment, making it a possible consequence for those convicted of heinous sexual crimes against children. The bill, rolled out by Republican legislators, targets individuals who have committed severe offenses against children or are repeat offenders. It moved ahead after securing a 57-11 vote in the Idaho House.

The proposed law modifies Idaho Codes 18-1508 and 19-2515 to permit a death penalty verdict for someone found guilty of lewd conduct involving a minor of under twelve years old under aggravating circumstances. The responsibility of deciding on implementing the death penalty will fall upon a jury unless waived by the defendant, in which case a judge will make the decision.

Co-sponsor of this bill, State Representative Bruce Skaug stated that this legislation is aimed at safeguarding children from harm. Citing the need to combat what he referred to as “a deep, dark side in our culture,” Skaug expressed that certain heinous crimes warrant extreme retribution.

This legislative effort has not gone without criticism however – notable detractors include Rebbeca De León of Idaho’s American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), who declared this legislation as “blatantly and admittedly unconstitutional.” She urged lawmakers to remember their obligation to maintain respect for laws, law enforcement, and judicial review.

Should it come into force, this piece of legislation would echo one passed in Florida during 2023 that permits abusers of children to be eligible for capital punishment, with life imprisonment without parole being offered as a minimum sentence.

Despite reservations from some quarters about its constitutionality, proponents hope it will act as an effective deterrent – curbing instances of these serious crimes against minors significantly. Central to this hope is the belief that fear concerning potential release perpetuates trauma among victims and multiple offences by these criminals suggest traditional punishments were ineffective deterrents.

Earlier in 2023, Idaho stirred up controversy by passing a law that allows the use of firing squads for executions when lethal injection drugs are not readily available. Idaho Governor Brad Little justified it as state duty to execute convicted criminals who were legally sentenced to death.

The proposed law now awaits deliberation in the Idaho Senate.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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