“Religiosity, Marriage, and High Income Correlated with Life Satisfaction Despite Overall Decline: A Study by Gallup and Pew Research Center”

Published on February 12, 2024, 1:27 am

“Religiosity, Marriage, and High Income Correlated with Life Satisfaction Despite Overall Decline: A Study by Gallup and Pew Research Center”

Image source: Fox News

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In breaking news, a recent Gallup poll reveals that less than half of Americans are “very satisfied” with their personal lives – a near-record low. However, the most satisfied respondents turn out to be religious individuals, married couples, and those from upper-income strata.

According to the data procured by Gallup between January 2-22 in their Mood of the Nation survey – an assessment that’s been periodically held since 1979 – only 47% of U.S. adults expressed substantial satisfaction with lives. This count fell under half for only the third time since decades.

Gallup initiated segregating data categorically from 2001 onwards to understand better how Americans perceive their life satisfaction. Last month’s count demonstrates a precipitous drop from last year’s high of 90% just prior to the economic turmoil triggered by COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdowns. In 2021, this figure plunged dramatically to stand at 51%, where it remained steady until this year before witnessing further decline.

Different degrees of satisfaction were reflected among respondents this year – while 31% stated they were somewhat satisfied, there was also an unfortunate flip side with about 11% somewhat dissatisfied and another alarming 9% very dissatisfied.

On studying these figures in retrospect, Gallup noted similarities with earlier episodes when high levels of dissatisfaction were echoed during seasons of economic slumps. Specifically, during the global recession at its peak in late 2000s and again in 2011 following subsequent recession impacts.

Comparing this year’s numbers, as high as seventy-eight percent indicated that they were either very or somewhat satisfied with life though reflecting a five-percentage point fall compared to last year’s correspondences.

The study compiled profiles based on respondents’ annual household income brackets, marital statuses and religious orientations along with education level attained, political affiliations and ages. Those significantly content tended to be wedded highly educated persons earning $100,000 and above per annum besides participating in weekly religious events.

Each demographic class witnessed satisfaction levels either dropping or at a standstill barring self-identified Democrats, who experienced a five-percentage point rise compared to what they expressed in 2023. The Republicans exhibited a steep decline by ten percentage points since last year. Additionally, those aged 55 and above were among the most pleased ones.

“Americans currently display lower personal life contentment than that observed since 2011”, states Gallup while proposing surmise that these observations might be reflective of weakened economic confidence. The bright side however is constituted by higher-income earning individuals, married persons, more religiously inclined people, college-educated folk and older Americans along with Democrats – all of whom reportedly register majority-level high satisfaction with their lives despite the overall mood.

Further insight comes from a recent Pew Research Center study which hints at young adults taking the brunt of economic instability plaguing the nation currently. Despite being better educated, laboring longer hours and commanding higher remuneration than their counterparts three decades ago, data reveals over half of those within an age bracket ranging between 18 and 34 depend heavily on parental financial assistance to navigate life. Factors such as overwhelming indebtedness have kept many within this segment from starting families whilst continuing to stay on at parent’s homes.

Stay tuned for trusted news providing real news incorporating a Christian worldview for further updates.

Original article posted by Fox News

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