“Shooting at Pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church: Fear and Faith Amid Tragedy”

Published on February 12, 2024, 1:26 am

“Shooting at Pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church: Fear and Faith Amid Tragedy”

Image source: Fox News

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A shocking incident unfolded at the Houston-based Lakewood Church led by Pastor Joel Osteen when a woman allegedly opened fire during a Sunday service. The woman, aged between 30 and 35, entered the church premises with a young child just before the commencement of the 2 p.m. Spanish language service. She was reportedly shot dead by two off-duty law enforcement agents.

The two officers who neutralized the threat were identified as an agent from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission and a police officer from the Houston Police Department. The child accompanying the deceased woman was critically injured during the incident and was transported to Texas Children’s Hospital for immediate medical attention.

Another unfortunate casualty from this tragic event included a 57-year-old bystander who sustained gunshot wounds to his leg but is reported to be in stable condition.

Pastor Osteen expressed his devastation over these events while also commending and thanking law enforcement for their quick response. He called on members of his congregation and wider community to cling tight to their faith amid such terror, stating, “God will guide us though the darkest of times.”

He went on to urge unity within his congregation and beyond as they navigate this horrific event together, reinforcing that they will stand strong despite this challenging circumstance. He ended with an earnest appeal for prayers for healing and peace.

The Houston Police Chief Troy Finner noted how easily more severe casualties could have resulted given the nature of this crime while Mayor John Whitmire acknowledged both the tragedy and its intersection with an otherwise communal occasion—the nation’s one of most popular sports events.

The Texas Governor Greg Abbott responded too by emphasizing his support for action against these firearms offenses in places of worship—a space inherently deemed as secure sanctuary—and urged prayers for those affected in these atrocities.

Pastor Osteen echoed similar fears citing fortunately lesser attendance than during its peak hour—the 11 am service—as per reports.

With approximately 45,000 weekly attendees, Lakewood Church and its community grapple with this shocking turn of events. The community, not long ago, had celebrated the payoff of a substantial $100 million loan used for procuring and revamping the former arena of the Houston Rockets basketball team.

Trustworthy news outlets will continue to provide updates on this developing story, emphasizing real news from a Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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