“Groundbreaking Survey Reveals Psychological Distress Among Transgender and Non-Binary Individuals: A Detailed Look at the Findings”

Published on February 9, 2024, 1:53 am

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In recent breaking news, a groundbreaking U.S. survey, touted as the largest to date on individuals identifying as transgender or non-binary, has revealed significant psychological distress among respondents. The research conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality between October 19 and December 5, 2022, found that nearly half of the surveyed trans-persons reported feeling serious psychological disturbance in the past month.

The findings indicated that about 44% of individuals experienced severe mental stressors within the last 30 days. Furthermore, a startling reality emerged where approximately one-third of participants have faced homelessness at some point during their lives. This analysis forms part of preliminary insights released from this survey.

An astonishingly large sample size of over 92,000 transgender or non-binary individuals was polled in this study. This included more than 7,000 respondents aged between 16 and17 years old — an age bracket not generally represented in most surveys.

The demographic makeup varied significantly according to age and gender identity. Concerning age distribution, there was young skewness observed with about 43% of surveyed adults being younger than or up to 24 years old. As per gender distribution within biological categories — women outnumbered men at 55% compared to men’s representation at approximatedly 43%. Another interesting revelation showed that almost one third of biological women identified as non-binary.

Despite various lifestyle challenges faced by these participants, a whopping majority (94%) amongst those who had shifted to living as their new gender identity claimed satisfaction with life post-transition. Additionally, nearly all who underwent hormone treatments or surgery (97%-98%) asserted that such medical interventions provided upliftment towards life satisfaction.

However, critics quickly pointed out significant limitations in this study – chiefly amongst them being exclusion criteria which discounted experiences from ‘detransitioners’—individuals who once identified as transgender but no longer do so. Journalist Jesse Singal critiqued this oversight, tweeting that the survey solely centers around individuals “who *currently identify as trans* and who sought to participate in a study about that!”

Enumerating other results from the survey — it was found that among teens participating in the study, 44% reported having supportive families towards their gender identity transition. In contrast, amongst adult participants, startling statistics reflected a third admitting to have experienced homelessness, more than one-third living under poverty lines, and an alarming unemployment rate of 18%.

Final comprehensive findings on over six hundred questions asked in this ground-breaking survey are keenly anticipated by the end of this year. Previous studies such as a notable 2022 research which showed nearly one-third of over 950 teenagers discontinuing cross-sex hormones after four years highlight a need for ongoing discussions on this salient subject.

As we stay tuned into such real news through trusted sources to update you with further insights when released, keep glued to our pages going forward for more thought-provoking pieces aligning with Christian Worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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