“Senator Rand Paul Accuses Democrats of Leveraging Immigration for Political Gain Amid Ongoing Immigration Crisis”

Published on February 9, 2024, 1:49 am

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Senator Rand Paul has recently articulated his perspective on the motivations behind the Democrats’ stance on illegal immigration. In a dialogue with conservative commentator Dave Rubin, Sen. Paul pointed out that the Democratic party seems to promote mass immigration in an effort to secure new voting demographics.

“I’m not against immigration,” he clarified, “I support increased lawful immigration. But instead, they want employment-based or work-based visas tied to giving 18 million individuals already here the right to vote… and we’re not willing to make that trade.”

The Senator accused Democrats of resorting to “power politics” in their approach towards immigration issues and believes that at its core, their strategy revolves around securing voting rights for immigrants. Paul alleges that Democrat’s ultimate aim is to flip traditionally Republican-stronghold states like Texas.

He argues, “It’s all about power politics and votes. Their sole objective is Texas and they’ve been trying to get it for two decades.” According to him, this could only be achieved by legalizing millions of people residing illegally in the state and allowing them immediate voting rights.

While diving into the specifics, Senator Paul reasoned that if these millions gain immediate voting rights, they could hold significant sway over policies potentially affecting their families back home or other personal interests. As such, legalizing these individuals would potentially facilitate their families’ arrival or assist those with darker motives.

His remarks come amid ongoing Congressional disputes over a recent bipartisan immigration bill. Most Republicans, including Sen. Paul himself viewed this bill as deeply flawed and confirmed they would not support it.

During his appearance on Fox News earlier this week, he said: “The bill is faulty from top to bottom. No conservatives in either chamber are going in favor of it… The current law is sufficient.”

Accordingly, he urged Joe Biden’s administration to capitalise on executive authority over border control without any need for changes in existing law: “President Trump managed border control quite effectively without making any changes in the law.”

As Congressional wrangles continue over the way forward, the immigration crisis worsens each day. Some sources estimate that roughly 10 million people have unlawfully crossed into U.S. borders since President Biden assumed office in 2021 – with the numbers continuing to surge daily.

Thus, from a Christian worldview and as your trusted news source for real news, it is imperative that immigration reforms be presented with right mix of compassion and justice while not compromising on integrity and respecting the law of land at large. With sharp differences existing amongst lawmakers on such a sensitive issue, reaching a consensus will be challenging but necessary to address this escalating crisis effectively.

Original article posted by Fox News

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