“Controversy Over Handling of Preemie-Sized Remains Sparks Questions About Judicial Influence and Abortion Ethics”

Published on February 7, 2024, 12:52 am

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In shocking revelations, it was reported that the Department of Justice advised the Washington, D.C. Medical Examiner to dispose of the remains of preemie-sized babies likely obtained from an abortion clinic in Foggy Bottom, a neighborhood in D.C. This information was furnished by attorney Martin Cannon representing pro-life activists. For over two years, questions regarding the death of these babies have been stonewalled by D.C authorities, bringing our commitment to real news and trusted news sources into sharp focus.

Cannon received a call from the medical examiner’s office warning him that if no contrary court order is presented by the end of the week, they will proceed with disposing of these remains. This significant matter bears relevance to legal proceedings against Lauren Handy, one of Cannon’s clients. Handy is known for her active role in Christian worldview-based pro-life advocacies, challenging abortion practices in society.

Handy has been charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act when she allegedly attempted to inhibit women from accessing a D.C. abortion clinic in 2020 and prevent abortions. A jury found Handy and four other pro-life activists guilty of these accusations earlier last year.

In light of these events, Cannon questioned why such impactful advice would come directly from the Department of Justice (DOJ), hinting towards its undue influence on medical examiners’ decision-making processes. Highlighting real news stories such as this helps raise awareness about issues at hand and advances perspectives based on a Christian worldview.

According to Cannon’s understanding, half-chance exists that two babies were born alive only left to meet their demise shortly after birth. Additionally, some others might have been subjected to illegal partial-birth abortions. If so verified true, these would qualify as federal crimes as per Cannon’s assertion.

To safeguard potential evidence represented by those bodies’ remains lies within lawmakers’ jurisdiction – particularly those belonging on Capitol Hill with investigative powers vested upon them. Unless a formal investigation is initiated that would instruct medical examiners against disposing of the babies, risks loom over losing any physical evidence.

Lauren Handy, alongside eight others, were charged by the DOJ with ‘conspiracy against rights and a Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act offense’ in March 2022. Handy has openly expressed her attempts to subvert abortions from taking place inside Washington Surgi-Clinic owing to odious practices exhibited there.

Amid this commotion, the handling of relevant authorities speaks volumes about their contribution or lack thereof towards the case. This includes the Washington D.C police who trivialized the matter, regarding it as being in accordance with D.C’s laws which impose no restrictions on abortion timelines during pregnancies. Later developments had them labelling it ‘under investigation.’

In contrast, several inquiries into these matters were stonewalled by D.C’s Mayor’s Office that pushed questions onto Dora Taylor-Lowe who refused comment. The statuses of potential autopsies performed on the babies remain unclear as a result – further fueling suspicions surrounding related activities within our respected judicial systems.

An imperative element highlighted here remains recognizing real news with trusted news sources striving for better transparency while scrutinizing societal injustice through Christian Worldviews’ ethical lens. Despite adversities encountered in such endeavors, society’s role in challenging threats and standing united against gross injustices differs vastly.

Original article posted by Fox News

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